Thursday, December 22, 2011

Radiation City— The Hands That Take You

★★★★★★★★★ 9/10

Radiation City did something with their latest album, The Hands
That Take You, that we haven't seen for some time now: they made
a whole and complete record.  As the way we obtain and listen to music has evolved, so too has the creation of the music itself.  We purchase/download music by the song, not the album and so artists make singles and add filler songs.  However, this is an album to be listened to in it's entirety.  It tells a story, one that vibrates through your ears to your very core.  Radiation City fluently marries dramatic build ups and tension with distance and space. This album is one that morphs and develops more with each song but it requires patience.  The musical foreplay seems torturous at first with dissonant beats, muffled riffs and faint vocals, but that's
part of the charm and the harmonious eruptions come at all the
right moments. The music is reasonably cheerful but there's an
overwhelming sense of discontentment wrapped delicately under
apathetic melodies.  The Hands That Take You is a narrative that
requires repeated playings in order to discover the nuances,
however the songs do stand honorably on their own as well.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Titus Andronicus: "No Future Part III: Escape From No Future"

I'm absolutely in love with this song!  Perhaps I'm biased, being from New Jersey myself, but truly I have never heard a song that better encompasses New Jersey life.  With lyrics like "you will always be a loser" it feels as though they are describing the standard DUI collection from my hometown, and hits a nostalgic note.  I'm sure this is going to be a staple for all of my summer playlists!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Kills- Blood Pressures

Not in love with The Kills new album, Blood Pressures.  Hince and Mosshart introduced their gritty-cool sound coated in sexual tension when they released their first album, Keep on Your Mean Side, in 2003.  No Wow, their sophomore album, seemed like a continuation of their first album, but when Midnight Boom came 
out, I was blown away.  Although there was consistent elementsfrom their previous albums, Mosshart's guttural cries off of Tape Song, and the sweet ballad of Goodnight Bad Morning showed a new potential that I didn't know they possessed.  Unfortunately, Blood Pressures, seems to be more of the same cool-kids grunge rock we were hearing off of their first two albums without the
electric charge. The only song that has
a trace of Midnight Boom's energy is,
Future Starts Slow.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Okkervil River- New Album Reviews

Looks like it's a good review for Okkervil River's new album, I Am Very Far, which doesn't surprise me.  I predicted that these guys would blow up pretty soon in our upcoming edition of The Sycamore (releases May 13), and it looks like I may have known what I was talking about!  Can't wait to hear it myself when it comes out on May 10th, and to get a free download of Wake and Be Fine, off of the new album click here.  To read Spin's full review click here.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Strokes?!

Maybe I should have held my breath, it looks like we may be hit with another album in the near future!  Click here for the full article.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Strokes- Angles

After great anticipation and doubt that the album would actually even happen, The Strokes finally released their fourth album, Angles.  I've had it for a few weeks now, and as I do with most albums, I played it on repeat and let it absorb.  But it didn't, not really.  The only song that managed to maintain some of the old Strokes sound I so loved was Taken for a Fool.  The wannabe 80's throwback sound is unappealing and substandard, while the rest of the tracks are dejected and sorrowful, and the lyrics are just as gloomy.  I was completely disappointed with the album and I find that the only songs I have come to appreciate are Taken for a Fool, Under Cover of Darkness, and Gratisfaction, and even they aren't very strong.  The disjointedness between Casablancas and his bandmates really manifests itself on this album as the music and lyrics aren't fluid and don't blend well.  Even though they happen to be one of my favorite bands, I have to say, quit while you're still some-what ahead.  What are your thoughts?

Song of the Day

If you want to read my interview with The Whigs click here

Friday, April 22, 2011

Goosebumps (playlist)

This is one of my favorite playlists, perfected over the past few years.  I listen to it when I'm driving, going to sleep, or doing homework in my room.  The name, Goosebumps, is pretty self-explanatory, as most of the songs on this playlist are emotional gut-wrenchers, thus giving one goosebumps.  Enjoy!

Nothing Like You and I - The Perishers
Avril 14th - Aphex twin  
I Don't Blame You - Cat Power 
Knocked Up - Kings Of Leon
Black Balloon - The Kills  
I'll Believe In Anything - Wolf Parade 
King of the Rodeo - Kings Of Leon
Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 
Ceremony - New Order 
Ghostwriter (Remix) - RJD2 
Highschool Lover - AIR  
Hospital Beds - Cold War Kids 
little shadow - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Needle In The Hay - Elliott Smith
Porcelain - Red Hot Chili Peppers
End of For You, Stupid - Wolf Parade
Kill Pangs - The Human Value
Thimble - Arizona

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Starfucker (Interview to be posted soon)

You may recognize this song from a target commercial, as many indie bands seem to be doing as of late.  Super catchy, dancy, eperimental music akin to MGMT.  Scored an interview with  Ryan Biornstad a couple of weeks ago, and had a great talk!  Definitely a very interesting guy, and finally have the real story behind their name!  I will add the link after our magazine releases! 

Bombay Bicycle Club

Seriously in love with this song right now.