Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Strokes- Angles

After great anticipation and doubt that the album would actually even happen, The Strokes finally released their fourth album, Angles.  I've had it for a few weeks now, and as I do with most albums, I played it on repeat and let it absorb.  But it didn't, not really.  The only song that managed to maintain some of the old Strokes sound I so loved was Taken for a Fool.  The wannabe 80's throwback sound is unappealing and substandard, while the rest of the tracks are dejected and sorrowful, and the lyrics are just as gloomy.  I was completely disappointed with the album and I find that the only songs I have come to appreciate are Taken for a Fool, Under Cover of Darkness, and Gratisfaction, and even they aren't very strong.  The disjointedness between Casablancas and his bandmates really manifests itself on this album as the music and lyrics aren't fluid and don't blend well.  Even though they happen to be one of my favorite bands, I have to say, quit while you're still some-what ahead.  What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm relatively new to The Strokes, I would say that I definitely love Under Cover of Darkness. However, other than that, the only other song that grew on me was Call Me Back, and as you said, it's not the happiest song.
